Hey there, I am Robin!

Welcome to my website ☺️

What I do πŸ› οΈ

I enjoy running and building great software, making sure it's stable and observable.

No matter the project, I focus on building simple and reliable infrastructure that serves it's purpose, on a scale from a single user to millions of users.

I currently work as an Infrastructure Engineer at Heureka Group.

If you think I could help you with your project as well, please do let me know!

How I relax πŸƒ πŸ“– πŸ’»

I am up for most sports, however running and climbing have been my top choices as of late.

I am currently preparing for my first 100 km ultra-marathon, which will be the beautiful mozart 100 race in Austria. Super excited already!

Other than that, I like to spend time with my loved ones, geek out on and around the computer, read books, watch movies and TV shows, eat good food and drink great coffee.

Get in touch!

If you think we should talk, feel free to reach out to me!

I'm available via E-mail, on Matrix, and on Mastodon.